January 27, 2024, 11:01am
Pinning screenshot one of relays that’s running in my home server room has been running only 47 days 165877 circuits open and it’s utilizing 12 Gigs
of memmory.
Isn’t this somehow associated with some attacks at Tor relays, please keep an eye on your relays, my relay has fortunately enough memmory available as it’s running on fully dedicated laptop but if your relay have some very little amount of memmory it may cause Tor to crash entirely…
January 27, 2024, 3:45pm
It may happen because of attack on your relay.
There are several discussions about problems with RAM consumption:
There’s something going on for a while and I haven’t seen any mentions of it. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing it.
The problem is the huge unreasonable spikes of outgoing packets which cause RAM to max out and eventually causes Tor to crash. The interesting part is that even when you shut down tor and restart it after a few minutes, it start right from where it left off and in about a minute, you’re back where you were. See below:
[Screenshot 2024-01-11 092127]
This one shows the RAM…
1 year passed, no improvements can be seen.
Yesterday DDoS attack on my relay began.
Despite having MaxMemInQueues 512 MB and RelayBandwidthRate 4 MBytes options, tor.exe RAM consumption increased to 5380 MB.
Looks like Tor have memory leaks.
Messages about memory freeing appear in logs, but it does not help to contain RAM consumption growth.
Dec 07 08:10:57.000 [notice] We're low on memory (cell queues total alloc: 373453872 buffer total alloc: 140982272, tor compress total alloc: …