1 year passed, no improvements can be seen.
Yesterday DDoS attack on my relay began.
Despite having MaxMemInQueues 512 MB
and RelayBandwidthRate 4 MBytes
options, tor.exe
RAM consumption increased to 5380 MB.
Looks like Tor have memory leaks.
Messages about memory freeing appear in logs, but it does not help to contain RAM consumption growth.
Dec 07 08:10:57.000 [notice] We're low on memory (cell queues total alloc: 373453872 buffer total alloc: 140982272, tor compress total alloc: 0 (zlib: 0, zstd: 0, lzma: 0), rendezvous cache total alloc: 23505346). Killing circuits withover-long queues. (This behavior is controlled by MaxMemInQueues.)
Dec 07 08:10:58.000 [notice] Removed 56827584 bytes by killing 4152 circuits; 1530162 circuits remain alive. Also killed 0 non-linked directory connections. Killed 0 edge connections