Proxy port for Android Tor?

What port does Android Tor use? I have tested and found that it’s NOT 9150.
I’m asking this because Orbot doesn’t work with WebTunnel bridge.

Orbot is pretty hit and miss for me too. Mostly miss.

Do you mean Tor Browser for Android? It doesn’t use a port. It uses a unix socket. By default it’s located at /data/user/0/org.torproject.torbrowser/cache/tor-private/socks-ipc

I doubt without some serious hackery that you will be able to access that from any other app. If your phone is rooted, you might be able to make that file a softlink to somewhere public that different apps can access.

Yes, Orbot isnt quite good for me.
Well, why not start a feature request for a Systemwide Protection and Open Port mode for Tor Browser?

What issues are you facing with orbot?

No webtunnel spport and unstable UI. The UI is not very friendly, I believe.

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