Looking for volunteers to contribute to the Tor Metrics Timeline

Hello Tor, have you ever asked yourself why there are some spikes in Tor usage in specific countries or, the opposite, a fast decrease in Tor usage? For example, what is happening in China right now? Or, wait, what’s happening in Burkina Faso?

We’re looking for a volunteer (or volunteers) to contribute to the Tor Metrics timeline stories and help us answering these and other questions.

To collaborate, you should be familiar with (or willing to learn about) Tor Metrics , OONI data, and other Internet measurements data like IODA, Pulse and Censored Planet.

You can read this blog post explaining how to submit a Metrics timeline update:

Or reply to this topic and we can discuss how you can collaborate. (Hello, data scientists. :wave:)


Here are some interesting open issues:

China :eyes:

Russia :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Turkmenistan :face_with_monocle:

Other open issues (#first-contribution)

The open issues below just need a volunteer to push to metrics-timeline repository.



Burkina Faso



Hello, I will collaborate! And by the way, it is interesting to talk and present these analyses on the forum!

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