Doubts on Debian package: snowflake-proxy

Hi dear Tor People :onion:

I’ve been operating a standalone Snowflake proxy for many months using the snowflake/proxy package compiled from source within a network with restricted NAT. Recently, I noticed that the Debian package is available: Debian Package, but installing it on two Raspberry Pi 3B+ devices yielded the same results when I want to review the logs:

sudo journalctl -u snowflake-proxy

Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 body:
Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 bad offer from broker
Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 error polling broker: dial tcp [scrubbed]: connect: connection refused
Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 Error reading broker response: unexpected end of JSON input
Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 body:
Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 bad offer from broker
Mar 20 16:44:13 minipi snowflake-proxy[719]: 2024/03/20 22:44:13 error polling broker: dial tcp [scrubbed]: connect: connection refused

The logs are not clear to me. Does that Debian package only apply to unrestricted NAT?

Since the logs were unclear to me, I reverted to using a compiled Snowflake, which is providing clear logs of it working. These tests were conducted on two Raspberry Pi devices running Ubuntu Server 22.04.

2024/03/28 17:37:12 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 3 completed connections. Traffic Relayed ↓ 8247 KB, ↑ 69586 KB.
2024/03/28 18:37:12 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 1 completed connections. Traffic Relayed ↓ 176277 KB, ↑ 25195 KB.
2024/03/28 19:37:12 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 3 completed connections. Traffic Relayed ↓ 386859 KB, ↑ 34729 KB.
2024/03/28 20:37:12 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 8 completed connections. Traffic Relayed ↓ 209691 KB, ↑ 22590 KB.

thanks in advace


I suspect this is because it’s an old version of snowflake-proxy. Looks like it’s 2.5.1, it has not been updated for a year. Check out this post and this issue.
Can you check what version it is for you?

No, the error that you’re seeing is not related to restricted / unrestricted NAT. The connection to broker is a regular HTTPS connection and it should not fail for any NAT.

I also tried to install snowflake on Debian myself, and got an even older version. There were breaking changes since then, so it doesn’t work, yeah.


Hey @WofWca thanks for the clarification , yes is an old version, in fact I’m using ubuntu server 22.04 that gives me 1.1.0-2 version :expressionless:

With this information, I now know that I should continue compiling from the source to ensure that the Snowflake nodes are up-to-date and functional