Went faster than expected, my WebTunnel bridge is burned

After my provided WebTunnel bridge was finally in the phase where it is used by clients, it is already burned. It’s domain and secret path is now publicly available for everyone, including censors, in the scriptzt* list. The list currently contains 228 WebTunnel bridges.

*cut off. Some know what we are talking about.


Is it known if and how webtunnel bridges are getting blocked at the moment? So if your bridge got discovered should you change your ip or domain or both?

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There are not that many WebTunnel bridges (the total number of known bridges is below 2000, and only a fraction of them are WebTunnel: Servers – Tor Metrics), so it’s not too hard to enumerate them, by spamming https://bridges.torproject.org/.

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Did you already notice a change in usage from the “affected” counties?


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Oh no already out in the open :open_mouth:

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Changing the IP does not help here as clients connect via the domain; censors would therefore block the domain and not the IP.
And it is not a solution to buy a new domain every few weeks just for Tor.

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There are lots of free dyndns providers you could use to get domains. And if the bridge is only blocked by dns and not by ip you can run multiple bridges on the same server. So you can provide many bridge for cheap.

from: Tor in Russia: A call for more WebTunnel bridges

You can get domains for 1 year for around $1…