WebTunnel documentation (docker Setup, Reverse config file)


Two remarks about the documentation.

1/ On this page : Tor Project | WebTunnel Docker setup
This command does not work on my config (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS and Docker version 27.3.1)

$ docker compose exec webtunnel-bridge get-bridge-line.sh

The good one is this one :

docker exec webtunnelBridge get-bridge-line.sh

The name of the docker change to webtunnelBridge on
and the docker command change.

2/ On this page : Tor Project | WebTunnel Bridge
Could it be possible to add Caddy config file (which is available here : webtunnel/templates/Caddyfile.j2 at main · nvjacobo/webtunnel · GitHub )



I clearly recommend Caddy, which is much easier to set up than nginx. In this case, the installation of ACME or similar is not necessary because Caddy takes care of it itself.

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