[tor-project] Rhatto's Monthly Status Report, October 2023

Hi all :slight_smile:

This is my monthly status report for October 2023 with the main relevant
activities I have done during the period.

## 0. Research

### Onion Plan

* Renamed section "Roadmaps" to "Scenarios", since The Onion Plan is not an
  authoritative instance for defining roadmaps. Instead, it merely produces
  research studies and scenarios:
  Sign in 路 GitLab

* Started to work again on Onion Discovery, trying to draft a plan for it.
  More info about discovery is available at
  Onion Discovery - The Onion Plan
  Usability Roadmap Scenarios - Onion Discovery - The Onion Plan

* Other minor improvements.

### Tor Browser Quality Assurance for Onion Services

* Did a presentation during the Applications Team meetup:
  onion services 路 Wiki 路 The Tor Project / Applications / Team 路 GitLab

* Ongoing QA activities.

## 1. Development

### Onionbalance

* Basic maintenance, including contact info update, fixing the GitHub mirror,
  adding GitLab CI and other improvements to avoid bit rotting:
  Activity 路 The Tor Project / Onion Services / Onionbalance 路 GitLab

### Onion MkDocs

* General enhancements:
  Activity 路 Silvio Rhatto / Onion MkDocs 路 GitLab

## 2. Support

### Maintenance

* Ongoing sponsored work with deployment, maintenance and monitoring of Onion

## 3. Organization

Time spent (from the total available for Tor-related work):


Category | Percentage
Research | 44
Development | 6
Support | 13
Organization | 37
Total | 100

Silvio Rhatto
pronouns he/him