[tor-project] Rhatto's Monthly Status Report, May 2024

Hi all :slight_smile:

This is my monthly status report for May 2024 with the main relevant
activities I have done during the period.

## 0. Research

* Onion Plan:
  * Lots of discussions during the Lisbon in-person meeting. Notes still being compiled.

## 1. Development

* Oniongroove:
  * Released version 0.0.2:
    docs/changelog.md · main · The Tor Project / Onion Services / Oniongroove · GitLab

* Onionspray Log Parser:
  * Released version v2.1.0:
    ChangeLog.md · main · The Tor Project / Onion Services / Onionspray Log Parser · GitLab

## 2. Support

* Ongoing sponsored work with deployment, maintenance and monitoring of Onion


Silvio Rhatto
pronouns he/him

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