[tor-project] Rhatto's Monthly Status Report, June 2024

Hi all :slight_smile:

This is my monthly status report for June 2024 with the main relevant
activities I have done during the period.

## 0. Research

### Tor Browser Quality Assurance for Onion Services (TB .onion QA) - 2024.Q2

In the 2024.Q2 period, the TB .onion QA had the following output:

* Versions tested:
  * 13.5.
  * 13.5a9.
  * 13.5a8.
  * 13.5a7.
  * 13.0.16.
  * 13.0.14.
  * 13.0.15.

* No new serious issues were found.

* We did an evaluation after this round of QA to understand how this activity
  can be improved.

## 1. Development

* Did some minor fixes and improvements on Onionspray, Onionprobe, Onion MkDocs
  and Onion TeX Slim.

## 2. Support

* Ongoing sponsored work with deployment, maintenance and monitoring of Onion


Silvio Rhatto
pronouns he/him