[tor-project] Nina's Monthly status report for October'22

Hi! This is my status report for October 2022.

This month, I successfully resolved 1422 tickets.

  On Telegram (@TorProjectSupportBot) - 1313
  On RT (frontdesk@tpo) - 109
Due to censorship events in Iran, most requests (>1000) continue coming
from that country. In October, more users applied to us for assistance
in connecting to Tor and troubleshooting.

One hundred sixty-nine (169) Telegram requests came from Russia. Users
mostly asked for bridges or assistance in cases when bridges did not
work for them. Also, more than 20 requests came from Turkmenistan, where
internet censorship is getting even more severe.

In October, some changes were implemented to the @TorProjectSupportBot -
now, it allows users to pick the country from the list. Currently on the
list are Iran, China, Russia and Turkmenistan. That makes communication
easier and faster.

We continue getting requests from Kazakhstan users concerned about
internet censorship events that can happen in November 2022, when the
presidential election takes place. So we started to prepare a small
campaign offering Kazakhstan users to install Tor Browser beforehand



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