Hi! Below is my August’24 report!
In August, I resolved 928 (↑341) tickets:
On Telegram (@TorProjectSupportBot) - 687 (↑260)
On RT (frontdesk@tpo) - 233 (↑88)
On WhatsApp (+447421000612) - 8 (↓5)
and on Signal (+17787431312) - 0 (↓2)
The focus of my work is to help Russian-speaking users of Tor to install the browser and bypass internet censorship. In August, internet censorship in Russia became more strict, with YouTube and Signal being blocked[0], as well as many Tor bridges. So we received more tickets than usual: + 341 compared to July 24 - the growth or decrease by category can be seen above.
Tor is reachable with bridges in Russia, and I updated and posted the instructions for Russian users on the Forum [1].
We got a lot of questions from iOS users from Russia about what app they should use.
Also, I helped users with troubleshooting and keep an eye on issues and bugs to report them to Tor developers.
In August I submitted a copy/paste issue in Tor Browser [2], and continued to monitor the issue with Tor Browser not working on some of the Samsung devices [3].
[0] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40046#note_3059842
[1] https://forum.torproject.org/t/tor-blocked-in-russia-how-to-circumvent-censorship/982/61?u=nina13
[2] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/43064
[3] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/42714