Tor IP doesn't match Reddit

I am using tor Browser 14.02, security standard on Debian 12 and when I try to connect tor Reddit


The IP address does not match what Tor shows. Also when I perfromed a new tor circuit Tor shows a new IP but the IP address remains the same
installed Tor sha256:44db138fcfc73f5d049488eeb580aaa79d2037b5bb2b3f8303de2b92453f55a2 and then updated tor to the current version.

I’ve been able to replicate this result with reddit’s Onion site. In fact right now I’m getting a variety of rate-limit responses from it; 429 errors, a (broken) CAPTCHA - see screenshot below - and the response you reported with the IP address. This IP address is reported regardless of exit node, as you observed. I can still access, although that is rate limited with 429 responses sometimes (this is normal).

My guess is this is either bad configuration by reddit and/or the IP address reported is maybe where they host their own DDoS service and DNS is resolved there. In any case it seems to be a reddit-specific thing which they’ll need to fix.

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Yeah what is up with this? :thinking: :triumph: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Whats even the point of Reddit even having a onion address if every time I register an account or sign into it via an existing account my account gets automatically suspended?

How do people even use it?

I created an account via Tor browser via the onion for registration.

I creating an account via Tor browser and then trying the onion and I get suspended.

I create an account via no tor or vpn and then try onion to sign in and I get suspended.


I don’t think its possible to use reddit with tor anymore.

Why does Reddit still have a Onion site ?

Probably they forgot about it and their service is just still running…

That’s concerning. This literally defeats my reasoning for getting Tor in the first place. By they you mean Tor devs will need to fix this?