Welcome to the Tor in Education thread, a space for free discussion about tor and education.
– What is the purpose of this thread?
This topic has as its goal, to enable a wide debate about the presence of Tor in education, as well as about projects and activities of the school community regarding the development, enhancement, and research involving Tor.
– How can i participate?
Simply share your doubts, knowledge, work, ideas, and technologies regarding Tor in education. This is a free educational space!
– How important is Tor for education?
Tor has an ethical and social responsibility in the fight against guarded education within educational institutions. More than ever, public and private educational institutions and networks, from primary to higher education, have embraced software belonging to GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft).
According to the Project Surveillance Education, by October 2021, 66% of institutions and networks (considering public higher education institutions, state education networks, and municipal networks with more than 500 thousand inhabitants) in Brazil expose their students, teachers, and managers to the so-called “surveillance capitalism”.
In South America they show the dominance of Google and Microsoft companies over the e-mail management of public higher education institutions. Of the 448 institutions surveyed, 79% use services from these companies as a solution for email management - institutionally or in some unit (colleges or institutes) - with a large advantage for Google, present in 63% of the institutions. Microsoft is present in 16% of the institutions.
It is remarkable that the current technological development in education tends to grow, but misinformation, lack of privacy, and abusive tracking will grow along with it. Students and teachers are not given alternatives in relation to their privacy and anonymity, causing them to be abruptly censored in their institutions and persecuted while surfing the internet.
In this way, access to information is also limited. This causes a decrease in independent research and the development of new technologies that defend privacy and freedom on the Internet.
Therefore, the Tor community must organize and mobilize around the right to privacy and research in educational institutions, aiming at educational freedom and free academic development.
– Useful information sources:
Research - Tor Project | Tor Experimentation Tools - IEEE | Security Education - EFF | Give Students #UserFreedom - FSF (Petition) | Derechos Digitales América Latina