Tor Browser for Windows 7

Hi. I am really concerned about no support by Tor for those like myself that refuse to use Windows 11. Windows is being reduced to one operating system, Windows 11. This is by design ! Win 11 is a Privacy Nightmare. I refuse to use it and when I did try it out, it would not let me download the Tor Browser ! O my word. Please Tor, will you reconsider giving support to users of Win 7 ? Windows is being reduced to a Single Prison. 11 is very apt being two bars of the Prison window. In the new Windows 11 Prison Recall will monitor everything you do, taking a snapshot of your activity in your cell 11 !! Why is anybody using this ? Its Big Brother on steroids. I will have no option but to use an out of date, unsafe, Tor Browser. Long Live Win 7.
I would like to add something further to my thoughts above, today, Tuesday the 12-11-24. What happens to those using Win 11, regarding their personal safety ?! Win 11 will by default take screen shots of ALL activity. What are you meant to do when you want to speak out against corruption ? You cannot do it using Win 11 because your being recorded in Real Time. Also, what about those in the third world living under Dictatorship. These people will have access to older Windows Operating Systems. Tor by only supporting Win 11 is by this decision going to exclude a vast majority of the world population. Tor is playing right into the hands of Microsoftā€™s plan to Control and Censor all Windows Users. Why is this not an Issue ???
Peace ā€¦ Death to Tyranny


I donā€™t have that problem. Both 10 and 11. I Bet tons of others also have no problem. Have no 7 to try.

Thereā€™s Linux and Mac OSā€¦ ā€¦ and Linux is free


Thank You for your comment. Win 10 is no longer supported ! Also Tor does not support Win 10. Donā€™t you see what is taking place here ? Microsoft has been reduced to one single operating system. Win 11 is by the verdict of the vast majority the worst Win Operating System. All Win users are being forced into having Zero choice !
Itā€™s easy for you to say there is Linux and Mac OS. But the majority of Programs I use will not Run under Linux and Mac OS. Wine simply is not stable and good enough to Run Win Programs.
The Fact remains that there are a lot of individuals like myself that will continue to use Win 7. Thus, Tor should, in my humble opinion, provide a ā€˜Backwards Compatibility Tor Browser Supportā€™.
God Bless ā€¦ F3thinker

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Thereā€™s still Tor Browser 13.5 for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. At least for the moment.

[ā€¦] the Tor Project will continue to release new versions of Tor Browser 13.5 whenever critical security updates are made available for Firefox ESR 115. Ultimately, this support is only temporary, and is dependent on Mozillaā€™s timetable.

More info about that in

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First, I was not really that serious about ā€œthere is Linux and Mac OSā€. Itā€™s a bit of a dig. Linux as a desktop never really took off and to use the Mac OS you need a MAC which is overpriced. Employees get a Windows machine and the upper administration gets ā€œLa Pommeā€. Kind of a status symbol. ā€œI can afford to pay 50% more for a laptop.ā€ Last time I looked, Windows as a desktop is at ~84%. The rest share that ~16% where Apple leads by a lot.

On the serious side, Windows 10 is supported until October 2025. As I write this I am on a Windows 10 machine using Tor 14.0.1. Now where is this survey which states ā€œWin 11 is by the verdict of the vast majority the worstā€

I donā€™t doubt that Tor will not run on Win7. Itā€™s says so in these forums.

About ā€˜Backwards Compatibility Tor Browser Supportā€™: Remember that all this is done by volunteers (I think). If I were in their position I would want my efforts to benefit the most people as possible and not a small minority which is about 2.62% according to

I bet a lot of those Win7 are in places where their use is dictated by the application used which wonā€™t run on anything else. e.g. Like in a business where the cash register apps runs on Win 7.

How many of that 2.62% use Tor?

The original post reads a bit like it would come from a conspiracy theory forum. No! Bill Gates did not put a GPS into my ear or anywhere lower.


Thank You for the information. Long Live the Tor Browser.
God Bless

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To download latest Tor Browser (13.5 legacy updates) on Windows 7, please see:

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