Tor Browser can't connect

Hey, I currently have tor browser installed and when I start it the usual screen allows you to choose to connect. When I do it just stays on the establishing a connection screen for ages, never actually establishing a connection. On occasion when I start the browser it also tells me there has been an issue and Tor excited during startup.

OS: Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎12/‎07/‎2021
OS build 19045.3803
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19053.1000.0
Newest tor browser verosin (reinstalled it that didn’t fix the issue)

Console in case of an issue during startup:

TorProvider: Cannot connect to the control port Error: The tor process exited before the first connection

<anonymous> resource://gre/modules/TorProvider.sys.mjs:613

<anonymous> resource://gre/modules/TorProvider.sys.mjs:488

#processExitedUnexpectedly resource://gre/modules/TorProcess.sys.mjs:215

#watchProcess resource://gre/modules/TorProcess.sys.mjs:197


Error: The tor process exited before the first connection

Console in case of always looking for a connection:

1705950583030 addons.xpi WARN Checking C:[TORPATH]Tor Browser\Browser\distribution\extensions for addons

1705950583092 addons.webextension.{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232} WARN Loading extension '{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}': Reading manifest: "applications" property ignored and overridden by "browser_specific_settings"

1705950583166 addons.webextension.{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232} WARN Loading extension '{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}': Reading manifest: "applications" property ignored and overridden by "browser_specific_settings"

TorConnect: init() [TorConnect.sys.mjs:866:15](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Entering Initial state [TorConnect.sys.mjs:197:13](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Observing topic 'TorProcessExited' [TorConnect.sys.mjs:875:19](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Observing topic 'TorLogHasWarnOrErr' [TorConnect.sys.mjs:875:19](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Observing topic 'torsettings:ready' [TorConnect.sys.mjs:875:19](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Will load after bootstrap => [about:tor] [TorConnect.sys.mjs:1203:15](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: beginBootstrap() [TorConnect.sys.mjs:1074:15](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Try transitioning from Initial to Bootstrapping [TorConnect.sys.mjs:835:15](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Exited Initial state [TorConnect.sys.mjs:202:15](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: Entering Bootstrapping state [TorConnect.sys.mjs:197:13](resource:///modules/TorConnect.sys.mjs)

TorConnect: starting the Internet test

Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“accel shift” id=“new-identity-key” [browser.xhtml](chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml)

Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“i” modifiers=“accel,alt,shift” id=“key_browserToolbox” [browser.xhtml](chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml)

Clipboard changed: private false, hash [hash (not sure if that is fine to post)]

I have tried it in two networks, both of which are decently fast otherwise. The last time I had such an issue it was Windows Defender quarantining tor.exe but I made sure that wasn’t the issue this time. It did start once, but took ages. The console doe

Grateful for any help in fixing this

Are you running another application that includes Tor or runs on the same ports?
That’s a possible cause for this, and you could fix it by running tor on different ports.

Not that I know of. Between it working and it not working I didn’t install or start using any new programs. Is there a way to find out?
Also, the networks are shared with other people, not sure if that is relevant.

If you have administrator privileges, you could check if any software is already using ports 9150 and 9151 (on Linux I’d use netstat -tap to check, I’m not sure on Windows).

Another thing to do is to enable more logging on Tor, or try to launch tor.exe from the command prompt, to check if it exits immediately, and in case if it writes anything in the prompt.
You should be able to find tor.exe in Browser/TorBrowser/Tor.