The bridge subnetwork and the construction of the Tor circuit.

Hi I would like to ask how bridges currently work. Regular relays follow this principle:

We do not choose more than one router in a given network range, which defaults to /16 for IPv4 and /32 for IPv6. (C Tor overrides this with EnforceDistinctSubnets; Arti overrides this with ipv[46]_subnet_family_prefix.)

Do bridges also follow it? Is if my bridge has an IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD then I can’t have e.g. an exit relay with an ip address AAA.BBB. RRR.KKK?

I think that’s the case, but this topic confuses me a bit:If your bridge is near your exit, Tor might surprise you by failing your circuit (#101) · Issues · The Tor Project / Core / Tor Specifications · GitLab