Shared link include user name, I think it harm to user privacy

Shared link include user name, I think it harm to user privacy.


and taking the link to the comment reveals the username - there is no privacy issue here

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Sorry for unclear expression, I mean click the copy link button in post.
For example:
As such link expose the sharer user name not the poster user name.

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I don’t like this “feature” as well.
However, it looks like scenarios, where it can cause harm, are rare.
Users, who have different nicknames in different chats and forums, are in danger:
If User2 posts link at Forum2 to Forum1 with ?u=User1, it is not hard to connect these usernames.

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you can just remove that part - including the question mark and everything following…

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uuuugh … sorry, I misunderstood. Yes, this is annoying and in fact the only permalink I have ever seen do it - @lavamind is there a setting in gitlab that disables this