Relays and bridges behind IPv4 CGNAT

Tor currently requires a public IPv4 address for all relays. The Tor relay requirements state that “There should be no problem at all with this requirement (all commercially available servers come with at least one IPv4 address)”. Actually, there are issues with that requirement as of July 2023.
Firstly, not all commercially available servers come with at least one IPv4 address. Right now, there are multiple VPS providers that are IPv6-only on cheaper servers and require paying extra for IPv4.
People also run relays on residential internet connections, where having a public IPv4 address is starting to get uncommon. For instance, I was forced to shut down my Tor relay because my new ISP does not offer public IPv4 at all for residential customers and the IPv4 is behind a CGNAT. I have a /56 IPv6 prefix, so I can self-host stuff just fine on IPv6-only, but Tor requires a public IPv4 anyway. It’s a bit of a waste that I’m not allowed to run a Tor relay through my new connection, as it’s a symmetrical fiber connection with pretty high bandwidth. I can contribute using Snowflake, but that doesn’t use nearly as much bandwidth as a relay.

To mitigate this issue Tor could:

  1. Allow full IPv6-only relays while allowing IPv4-only relays
    Tor would have to deal with the fact that there are now both IPv4-only and IPv6-only relays.
    An IPv4-only relay and an IPv6-only relay would not be able to communicate directly.

  2. Allow IPv4 outbound-only addresses
    In this case, a relay could have a full IPv6 address for incoming and outgoing connections.
    The shared IPv4 address would be “outbound-only” and it could only be used for outgoing connections to other relays.
    IPv4-only relays would not be able to reach IPv6 + IPv4 outgoing-only relays.

  3. Use shared IPv4 addresses for incoming connections through NAT hole punching
    I believe this is not viable for Tor because NAT hole punching would compromise user anonymity and make it easy to track Tor connections. Tor also uses TCP, not UDP.

  4. Require IPv6 addresses and make IPv4 optional
    This is also not viable for Tor because most relays are still IPv4-only.

Option 1 could be a solution. However, current Tor clients assume that all relays are reachable from all other relays. Maybe new Tor versions could by default only serve directory information for IPv4-only and dual stack relays to older versions - relays with a “IPv6 Only” flag would not be included by default. New Tor versions could request that those relays be included and handle them appropriately depending on IPv6 connectivity status.
Option 2 could also be a solution that would minimize the fragmentation of the Tor network.

There’s a question if relays without IPv4 incoming capability should be middle relay only or also allowed as guards. Relays and Tor clients run the same Tor software, so at first glance it’s fine to allow them as guards. However, what if Tor is started on an IPv6 compatible network, but moves to an IPv4-only network? Tor would have to pick a new guard, which isn’t too good for anonymity. So these relays would probably have to be middle relay only for now.

Another thing that Tor could improve with IPv6 support would be allowing IPv6-only exit policies. This is probably much easier than IPv6-only relays or bridges. As an example, an exit that’s reachable through both IPv4 and IPv6 could only allow IPv6 exit connections. IPv6 address space is much easier to obtain compared to IPv4 address space and having your own address space is always a good idea when running an exit relay. I’ve noticed that if an IPv6-only website is requested through Tor Browser, it loads just fine - it appears that Tor finds an IPv6 exit node and loads the website. It seems that it would not be that difficult to switch to an IPv4 exit node if an IPv4-only website is requested.

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There was a (10-year old) paper about this: Tor and NAT devices: increasing bridge & relay reachability.

Thanks for the link. The issue with UPnP/NAT-PMP is that those don’t solve the CGNAT problem, as UPnP/NAT-PMP are mainly used for firewall control / port forwarding on IPv4, which does not work with most ISP CGNAT configurations. The paper also states what I thought - that methods relying on third parties, required to hole punch NAT without port forwarding - TURN, STUN, etc. - are unfortunately not viable for anonymity reasons. It seems like the only way to resolve this issue right now is to allow IPv6-only relays in some capacity (either option 1 or 2). That’s difficult, requires a lot of work, as IPv4 is strongly baked into the Tor protocol, but it’s the right thing to do in my opinion.

Any hole punching methods would also probably require all IPv4-only relays to be updated to the Tor version supporting hole punching, which could take a while. In this case, it’s important to tackle this issue as soon as possible in my opinion, as VPS providers are starting to charge for IPv4 addresses. The monthly lease price of an IPv4 address often exceeds the price of a cheap VPS and that’s the price that VPS providers are eventually going to charge once they run out of their current reserves. The cost of running a small Tor relay doubling could potentially negatively impact the amount of small relays hosted on VPSes.

Option 2 from my original post actually makes all relays fully reachable if relays could initiate connections “in reverse” (for example
middle relay initiates TCP connection to guard relay). That would still require a third party for connection initiation, which is not really viable for Tor.

Option 2 (IPv4-only - IPv4 only relay, IPv6+IPv4 - dual stack relay, IPv6+IPv4o - IPv4 outbound only relay):
IPv6+IPv4o > IPv6+IPv4o = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4o > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4o > IPv4-only = OK, reachable through IPv4

IPv6+IPv4 > IPv6+IPv4o = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4 > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4 > IPv4-only = OK, reachable through IPv4

IPv4-only > IPv6+IPv4o = not reachable directly
IPv4-only > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv4
IPv4-only > IPv4-only = OK, reachable through IPv4
The IPv6+IPv4o relay would have to initiate the connection, then:
IPv4-only < IPv6+IPv4o = OK, reachable through IPv4

Option 1 - more fragmented (IPv4-only - IPv4 only relay, IPv6+IPv4 - dual stack relay, IPv6+IPv4o - IPv4 outbound only relay, IPv6-only - IPv6-only relay):
IPv6-only > IPv6-only = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6-only > IPv6+IPv4o = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6-only > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6-only > IPv4-only = not reachable (!)

IPv6+IPv4o > IPv6-only = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4o > IPv6+IPv4o = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4o > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4o > IPv4-only = OK, reachable through IPv4

IPv6+IPv4 > IPv6-only = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4 > IPv6+IPv4o = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4 > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv6
IPv6+IPv4 > IPv4-only = OK, reachable through IPv4

IPv4-only > IPv6-only = not reachable (!)
IPv4-only > IPv6+IPv4o = not reachable directly
IPv4-only > IPv6+IPv4 = OK, reachable through IPv4
IPv4-only > IPv4-only = OK, reachable through IPv4

I was making a small remark. Otherwise I don’t have much to add, other than “interesting ideas”.

Please do something about this

Tor needs to support IPV6-only operation ASAP

the days of free IPV4 are basically over

IPV4 prices are going to keep rising and rising

for example AWS is ending free IPV4 in February and charging $3.60/month for every IP: New – AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge + Public IP Insights | AWS News Blog

for those who operate multiple relays, this can add up fast

other cloud & VPS services WILL follow suit sooner or later (if they haven’t already)

and the problem will only get worse and worse over time

why is this not being treated as a priority?