Relay search gets stuck when "type:bridge" filter applied

The relay search gets stuck showing the progress bar when I search for type:bridge.
This is not the case for type:relay.

A fix would be appreciated.

I have traced the issue.

It doesn’t relate to the type filter. It seems like jQuery’s getJSON function or some function used by it is broken.
I checked the fetched JSON data and it looks correct.
For specific relays/bridges getJSON returns JavaScript objects with missing properties, though they are present in the JSON objects.

The search always gets stuck when it meets such a “specific” bridge/relay and this error is thrown:

Uncaught TypeError: relay.platform is null

That means, even if you would search for such a relay/bridge directly with its footprint (for example), the search also gets stuck and doesn’t display its data page.

I cannot analyze this deeper, because the jQuery file is minified.
Maybe getJSON has been broken by minification.

jQuery simply should be updated, I think: