Relay family association broken on relay search

Most likely already known, but couldn’t find a post about it. Link to proper thread, if exists, appreciated.


The relay family visualization is totally broken. All my nodes show 1 or 2 - whilst total family is like 28. When clicking on a single relay it sometimes shows ok and sometimes does not. I see other fleets affected as well but some not. Am I seeing double?

cozybeardev via Tor Project Forum:

Most likely already known, but couldn’t find a post about it. Link to proper thread, if exists, appreciated.


The relay family visualization is totally broken. All my nodes show 1 or 2 - whilst total family is like 28. When clicking on a single relay it sometimes shows ok and sometimes does not. I see other fleets affected as well but some not. Am I seeing double?

This might be related to ongoing issues in our metrics infrastructure
Collector not updating bridges (#40038) · Issues · The Tor Project / Network Health / Metrics / Collector · GitLab)

Right now, the family settings I see for your relays on relay-search
seem to be fine. I’ll keep an eye on that. Maybe there is more to it.


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Actually, I was only looking at Relay Search where all your relays showed up in the family. However, the details page for some seems to be busted showing no family at all. Hrm.

Yesterday results from search differed per f5 as well. You could just refresh and see it flip from normal to wrong. Haven’t been able to do that again just now, but perhaps still applicable.