The real question:
How does the Snowflake proxy think a connection is open when there is no UDP traffic from it.
The facts:
I wanted to restart the proxy with a bigger value in -capacity just to see the effects. So I do a bit of snooping looking at my proxy logs and stuff and notice a open connection which has been there for over a day. I still can’t accept that someone is surfing for over a day. There must be an artificial way to keep the connection open like some sort of heartbeat.
I do a tcpdump to display all UDP traffic to my machine. Not just once but over and over again. I see occasional traffic from that IP and more from IPs I’ve identified as open connections. I put a rule into the INPUT filter to DROP that day-old IP. Of course tcpdump shows no UDP traffic but about 1.5 hours later that connection still shows open. (insert the real question here). Rather than terminate the proxy I pull the ethernet wire and shortly after every connection is closed (the logs now say so) then I kill and restart the proxy.
The client-to-proxy connection of Snowflake does heartbeat messaging through the same WebRTC data channel that it uses for data transfer. If you want details, it uses the smux library for that. See the Snowflake paper. (edit: incorrect. This is only the case for client-to-server communication. Apologies).
I would guess whatever you did didn’t actually fully block the traffic.
For client-to-proxy connection, the proxy has a timeout here, and it’s 30 seconds. But “activity” is counted here, inside of Write (which sends data to the data channel, and not receives it).
Maybe the Pion library has a default timeout and it closes stale connections anyway, but you might be onto something .
Don’t know why this is marked as solution. It is not.
This should be logical except - if I break the flow of traffic anywhere between the client, my proxy, the bridge to Tor and back - somewhere, something should click that this connection is broken and should be closed. I’m assuming that whatever keeps TCP traffic reliable is being emulated or encapsulated in those UDP packets from the client.
I did NOT do a tcpdump for traffic with that IP as a destination; but as above.
Maybe it relies on the TCP connection to to determine that the connection is alive; but as above.
Maybe I misunderstand the mechanism of iptables and conntrack.
There will be a next time. I did not mention it but this is not the first time for that IP and its partner on the same /24 network.
Next time I will put a LOG and DROP rule in the INPUT filter and I will do tcpdump for traffic to that IP destination.
I put a rule into the INPUT filter to DROP that day-old IP. Of course tcpdump shows no UDP traffic but about 1.5 hours later that connection still shows open
You have pointed to the same place I discovered: webrtcconn.go where I found the comment “Closed connection due to inactivity” in function timeoutLoop except I can’t really read GO enough to diagnose anything. I will leave that to others.
Going through the iptables and conntrack mechanism convinced me I was not in left field after all.
I’m not sure if it mitigates the behavior described, but I use a shortened inactivity timeout for longer connected clients.
For example, if a client is connected for 40 minutes the proxy server calculates and reduces the inactivity timeout for this client to 25 seconds…for 80 minutes it’s 15…for 120 minutes it’s 5.
Don’t think so either but what you say is also interesting. I presume you have mofified the source code for this effect.
By your algorithm, what would 1 day be (1440 minutes)? I imagine a really short inactivity timeout.
Just as interesting is why do you do this?
When I see 1 day+ I wonder. It’s none of my business what a client does but I still smell a fish. If this person is keeping a connection open artificially then it keeps someone else from using a connection on my proxy (all theory of course). I can only get 7 open connections at any one time. I have not opened a range of UDP ports on the router so I assume this is the cause.
I’m waiting for the next time to test if it’s the UDP packets going to the client which keeps the connection open as pointed out by @WofWca
65% of my connections are between 1m and 29m. I ignore anything less. 22% are between 30m and 119m with a declining rate for 120+ minutes.
Do you know, in fact, that these connections actually get closed. Do the logs show this.
I’m not doing what you do but know for sure that the inactivity timeout is NOT 8 hours. As I write this I have one. Connected 8 hrs, no UDP traffic in either direction and what I assume is it’s corresponding TCP connection to has traffic in both directions.
My previous attempts as above with the INPUT filter will have no effect since there IS no traffic.
Next attempt is to kill that corresponding TCP connection to the bridge to Tor just to see.
I may be one of such clients, but I’m not sure if it’s necessarily “artificial” or not or how fishy it is because I have tendency to run Tor into OpenVPN for certain sites that really hate Tor exit nodes (vanilla OpenVPN and Wireguard protocols are banned in my country so that’s why).
My guess is that OpenVPN’s keepalive is what causing uninterrupted connection. Is this bad client behavior? Is there unspoken rule against it? (like how there is rule to not use Tor with bittorrent). Please tell me, I’m willing to listen what’s right and wrong.
This is Heartbeat report I typically have between weekly reboots. Are these bad stats? Is it too much bandwidth? Am I a liability?
[notice] Heartbeat: Tor's uptime is 6 days 18:00 hours, with <few> circuits open. I've sent <~700Mb> and received <~1.65Gb>. I've received <around 1000> connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I've made <very few> connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
I normally had ~1gb of traffic in the past (like back in Nov 2024). Lately it increased because more sites that I used on daily basis got banned, so I added them.
But this brings me to another follow up question. This continuous connection and small active traffic being passed in background defends against time based correlation attacks or not? Think like i2p, best usage is to keep it on 24/7 and let traffic pass without initiating new connections on any specific time frame, that way it’s harder to tell for adversary at what time connections to destination and your posts were made. Was that Snowflake’s design or unintended side effect?
Not really bad behaviour and not fishy. Just a preference I have.
80%+ of my connections are 1 hour or less.(my stats). So I prefer helping more people for some time than to help some people for more time.
In any case, from what I read, when I knock out the connection it goes to some other proxy.
Good for the reply. I was a bit curious about this so now I know.
I won’t make statements on whether it protects against timing attacks, because I’m not sure.
But what I’m pretty sure of is that Snowflake in itself isn’t concerned much with timing attacks and such. It’s just a transport, a thing for censorship circumvention that will get you access to Tor.