Hello everyone, can you connect to WT via the Orbot app? I havent succeeded even once. If you succeed, please tell us how you made it.
Orbot doesn’t support WebTunnel bridges yet. Ticket on Orbot’s bug tracker, Feature Request: webtunnel support · Issue #980 · guardianproject/orbot · GitHub
So how does Tor Browser for Android support it? Is there any way to make Tor Browser’s proxy system-wide? Because there are many apps that aren’t protected by the Tor network.
They are 2 different applications developed by different teams.
Replying to your comment, Tor browser on Android does not have a port like the Desktop version.
At the moment you can only use orbot with any non-webtunnel bridge until it is implemented
A cool app I found on f-droid: InviZible Pro: increase your security, protect you | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
It supports webtunnel bridges, and even shows the country and ping, so you could select the closest ones.
Orbot dev’s say they’ll deploy webtunnel soon on android.