Obfs4 migration


I wanted to migrate one of my obfs4 proxies to a new server but i didn’t manage to do this even if i moved the keys and pt_state folder. Somehow the obfs4 started as a new server and not as original server i want to migrate

Any ideea?

During that move, did you apply the same rights to the files that were before?
Did you move the .json file in pt_state too?

I have move all pt_state folder .json file included.
Actually i moved all the files that i move when i migrate a RELAY but this time i added also the pt_state folder, this should be the only difference between obfs4 migration and relay migration.

Can someone please guide me what i need to do in order to migrate my obfs4 bridge?
As said before i just moved keys and pt_state folders from one VPS to another and the new bridge started with a new fingerprint. This is my first obfs4 migration but besied pt_state that is an extra the migration should be the same like an entry/guard relay and there i didn’t had this problem