Nyx and no outbound connections only directory

i am only using cor tor as a client.

and i am just wondering how tor works when on the nyx connection page, it only shows directory connections, aside from all the pre built ciruits. and no outbound connections like you would see if there were no directory connections.

the directory connections seem to 90 percent of the time or more be to the same relay’s that are used for outbound connections.

so does that mean when you are connected to them and only see directory, that you are still using them as outbound as well? and it just shows directory connection because that is a significant thing with tor. and doesnt happen everytime you use tor.

i was just hoping someone could give me a answer since i have looked online and have had trouble finding a answer.

anything is greatly appreciated, thank you


This is a bug in nyx. I originally thought it a bug in the tor service, and then in the control port communications, but it appears to be in nyx itself. It seems to only show when you don’t allow the tor service unrestricted access to listen on every adapter. Nyx appears to not interpret that well and will show all connections as outgoing, even though many are clearly incoming (which can be verified with netstat and even just seen casually in the port numbers involved in the nyx connections list)