New Release: Tor Browser 13.0.2 (Android)

by richard | October 27, 2023

Tor Browser 13.0.2 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.

This release is identical to our 13.0.1 release, but fixes an issue with the Android apk version-code which collided with our 13.0 releases. This colliding version code prevented us from publishing to Google Play, so we have built 13.0.2 with an empty commit in order to generate a new non-colliding version code.

A long-term fix to our build-system to handle this case is being tracked in tor-browser-build#40992.

Send us your feedback

If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how we could improve this release, please let us know.

Full changelog

The full changelog since Tor Browser 13.0.1 is:

  • Android
    • Bump firefox-android commit to generate new version code to allow uploading to Google Play (see tor-browser-build#40992)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Waiting for it to become available via Google Playstore

Hello SC, just a quick note:
in my model case Lineage OS :heart: I use completely degoogled device ie →


Hello @agiteg

Yes, I know about these ROMS, but at the moment there is no rom available for my Samsung A20 SM-205G device.

I can’t wait to change the ROM. I changed the ROM that was on the device and put an updated official ZTO one, without an operator or operator logo.

At the moment I will have to wait for the Google Playstore update.
These new versions of TorBrowser for mobile phones are getting better and better.

The only thing I miss is an extension for language translation of web pages.

Anyway thanks for the apk guidance

Hello SC, my post was about apk urls primarily.

A few additional lines off topic, about LOS vs yours A20:
I did research and that looks like, not planned to A20 official build released, unfortunately, but I can be wrong, maybe.
However, you can build own A20’s ROM ; )
All needed source code is available online ie LOS (git), kernel (official opensource samsung site), device tree, firmware + about 50GB free disk space to ccache. After success compile you’ll get LOS ROM + recovery.img ie no need TWRP.