MyFamily requires which kinds of fingerprints

I can’t find this in the documentation…
…and some of it is ambiguous at best.

So the MyFamily setting in /etc/tor/torrc should list the " identity key fingerprint of each Tor relay you control.
But here’s the rub: When I look at the tor start up messages I find:
“identity key fingerprint”
“identity key ed25519 fingerprint”
both of which include the nickname, but it seems only the actual key is relevant.
And when I go Relay Search and look for my relay, then I find a “Hashed Fingerprint”

Now since it says somewhere something about 40 characters, the “identity key ed25519 fingerprint” with 43 is out.
But the other two are both 40 characters. Which one do I use? Obviously tor doesn’t throw an error regardless which one (or both) I use, because they are of the same format.

And then there’s some place in the documentation that seems to imply that the key needs to be prefixed with a $ sign. relay-operators_multiple-relays

In short, it would be rather useful if documentation would contain examples that look like the real thing.

I assume it’s the “identity key fingerprint” and not the “Hashed Fingerprint”, and I assume I don’t need a $ prefix, but I’m not sure.

Can someone clarify this?

Then you are most likely running a bridge?

If you are searching for a bridge, you will need to search by the hashed fingerprint. This prevents leaking the fingerprint of the bridge when searching. You can find this in the hashed-fingerprint file in the Tor data directory.
Relay Search

Bridges should not have a family: Re: [tor-relays] Why should we avoid adding bridges fingerprints in MyFamily?

No prefix is needed. Just all your family “identity key fingerprints” separated by commas.

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