The fields are the same as for /circumvention/settings but the map doesn’t provide bridge_strings
Just in case this is a bug, altough seem these provided bridge_strings is suitable to be public bridges, but they are not built-in.
if they are not built-in, why public them?
if public them, why don’t make them as built-in bridges?(this useful if Moat’s reflector CDN block domain fronting traffic or stop work for whatever reason, e.g. built-in SQS and AMP rendezvous bridges for Snowflake, or another meek-CDN).
You are right, the documentation is wrong. The original idea was to not provide them, but soon we found out that we do need to provide them sometimes for specific countries.
And yes, we only put there public bridges. They are not marked as built-in because Tor Browser does ignore bridge_strings when they are marked as built-in. So is more of a hack, I’m sorry.
I’ll update that documentation. Thank you for finding it.
If some public bridge_strings are working for specific country only(for example some front domains work for specific country only), I think we should have one local version of “map”, just as the “built-in” bridges but user can select by country, so user don’t get confusion.
This is more or less what happens currently in Tor Browser. When Tor connection fails Connect Assist do request from circumvention settings the configuraiton for the user country (detected from the IP address), but users can select manually their country.
Users don’t see this map, only developers of applications using tor.
I don’t mean require user to manually views the map json file, I mean make it as the connection assist, but internal first try to use built-in local map json file rather than direct request from moat.