Maximum MyFamilies?

Is there a maximum amount of entries in the MyFamily directive in the /etc/tor/torrc?
I got up to about 18 on the 19th server deploy, Tor would not start.
I did check for any formatting issues, but to no avail. I guess it is not really that important, but I was just wondering :slight_smile:

MyFamily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

IMO no spaces in the string pls.
The maximum is somewhere around 360 IIUC.

we all need spaces, sir!!
lol…joking, thank you
One thing that sucks is that everytime I spin up a node, I have to go back and edit all of the past ones (and restart that node). Kind of a sucky thing.

Consider to automate it, e.g. in Ansible look here [1]

[1] tor-relays/playbooks/roles/setup_tor/vars/main.yaml at main · toralf/tor-relays · GitHub

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You don’t need to restart the node after you update the family, is enough to reload the config

systemctl reload tor@default

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