Making A Tor Hidden Service With Word Press on Ubuntu

Hello all, new user here in peace.

I am trying to put a Tor Hidden Service site on the Dark Web, using Word Press installed on Ubuntu.

I’ve installed apache2, nginx, Mariadb and Wordpress and followed instructions given at:

I’ve also looked at: Tor Project | Set up Your Onion Service and
linux - How to set up onion service? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange as well.

Is there a simple, bullet-proof way of running a Word Press site on Tor using Ubuntu as I’ve followed the steps given and although I have a website active all that is on there is the following:

404 Not Found
nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)

I’ve gone wrong somewhere, I just need to know where - I don’t even mind starting from scratch if there’s a fool-proof guide which somebody could show me.

Many Thanks!

If you are comfortable with German just use this step by step how-to
