Is there a way change my login away from Github

When I initially registered here, the login offered using Github and it seemed convient to use that since I had a code there and I did not foresee being here for long. Now everytime I do log in, Github knows it. I have nothing against Github but now see no reason why they should have this info. There is no particular reason to deny them this except that I no longer want them to.

Is there a way to keep my profile and name BobbyB but starting using my own unique login/password just for this forum. I saw nothing here for that, and yes, I did read Your topic is similar to…

Figured I better ask before messing around.


1- Disconnect your Github in your Profile
2- Add an Email before log off
3- Login requesting Link
4- One logged, request a password reset to your email set before

With that you are loggeg without Github Connected.

That was easy. THX

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