As the title says, I currently have VPSs in Israel and India in Asia, and a VPS in South Africa in Africa. According to my survey of Tor relays, most Tor relays are located in Europe, and some are located in North America, but I rarely see Tor relays in Asia, Africa, and South America, which I think is not conducive to promoting Tor’s anonymity and decentralization. I don’t quite understand why this phenomenon exists. Is it because countries in Asia, Africa, and South America have extremely severe censorship of Tor? Should I run Tor bridges and relays on VPSs in these countries?
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Most because VPSes are more expensive in Africa and traffic is very expensive in Asia.
So if you have the possibility to run relays and bridges go for it
The more diverse Tor relays are the better the security of the network.
So yes, go ahead.