How to set up standalone snowflake behind restrictive NAT?

I’m trying to set up a standalone snowflake bridge but it seems like my network is behind a restrictive NAT. When I checked the snowflake status, it returned this. I imagine that the snowflake is not operating properly because of the NAT restriction, can someone confirm if this is the case and what I can do to fix this?

% sudo systemctl status snowflake-proxy
● snowflake-proxy.service - snowflake-proxy
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snowflake-proxy.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2025-01-05 17:23:36 EST; 1min 0s ago
       Docs: man:snowflake-proxy
   Main PID: 10850 (snowflake-proxy)
      Tasks: 6 (limit: 18986)
     Memory: 9.4M
        CPU: 103ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/snowflake-proxy.service
             └─10850 /usr/bin/snowflake-proxy

Jan 05 17:23:36 localhost systemd[1]: Started snowflake-proxy.service - snowflake-proxy.
Jan 05 17:23:36 localhost snowflake-proxy[10850]: 2025/01/05 22:23:36 Proxy starting
Jan 05 17:24:02 localhost snowflake-proxy[10850]: 2025/01/05 22:24:02 NAT type: restricted

No, Snowflake is able to operate with a restricted NAT, though it can only serve clients with an unrestricted NAT.

If you still want to make it unrestricted, see

Though another issue you might encounter is that the Debian version of Snowflake is outdated. You might want to use another installation method, e.g. Docker. See Doubts on Debian package: snowflake-proxy - #2 by WofWca.

Hi maybe this can help. See link below.

It might also be useful to read that whole thread posted by WofWca. Especially my D’oh! moment. The thread goes through all the problems I had doing what you are trying.
I followed (Tor Project_Compile Snowflake proxy from the source).

I ignore item 6. Keep your Snowflake proxy updated

Bottom line: I forgot to let the ports through my Ubuntu Firewall. This was the solution.
I used -ephemeral-ports-range in the startup and capacity of 9 and am now an unrestricted proxy.

It’s obvious: Linux but state everything you are using and doing. What version of the proxy. What instructions you used, etc, etc, etc.

There was a user who said he used 2.5 the number of -ephemeral-ports relative to the number of clients. I see you used 6. I used 3x the number of client capacity.

I also used -verbose in the start up command. Then you can look at the log produced.

Good luck!