How to compile Tor source code into exe format for window systems

I have modified the Tor source code and added many features. I would like to compile it into an exe format so that it can be adapted to windows system. How can I do that?

Are you talking about tor.exe?
You can build it with MSYS2 for example.
./, ./configure, make - as usual.

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Yes, I would like to build tor.exe. thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try it.

How do you mean ‘added many features’? If badly implemented it may risk exposing your IP, I would advise you to submit official code to the project for review or file enhancement requests for any lacking features. Are your features just for the Windows port?

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The added features do not involve network transmission and are mostly extended Stem interfaces. I’ve been exploring Tor bugs lately and hope to do some testing and improvements. Using the improved version of Tor as a robust version of the client so I can use it more safely and easily.