How do I work voluntarily as a software developer or UI/UX designer on the Tor project?

I’m new here, and I’d like to know how I can contribute regarding software development or UX/UI design? What volunteer work can I participate in and who do I have to talk to? What knowledge should I have? Thank you in advance for everyone’s attention!


Hi @micael1998 :slight_smile:
Thanks for reaching out to the Tor Project Forum.
If you haven’t already discovered them - then these two links might help,

& the other potentially more complex,

Volunteering is a great way to contribute to the Tor Project, from the relatively simple, perhaps testing a Tor Browser Alpha version & right the way through to the more complex development.

Volunteer involvement & the knowledge it so often imparts strengthens communities like the Tor Project forum. More specifically volunteering has the potential to help improve how Tor is built & functions, for both relay operators & Tor Browser users.

Of course, all contributions both great & small are constantly adding to providing a means of enabling Tor users globally to access the Internet more safely & securely. In doing so, Tor Volunteers the world over are providing information & incrementally adding critical improvement to enhance the Tor experience, be it in hostile nations & or non-hostile nations to continue to enable a pro “Free Internet” ethos both as a principal & in practice, on an increasingly restrictive Internet. That’s no mean feat!
Long Live all Tor Volunteers!


maybe @donuts can help you with “or UX/UI design”. :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, here are some nice documentation about UX Team:


Hi @micael1998 :wave:

In addition to the resources @vermilion and @gus have shared, we have a small number of open issues tagged as “First contribution” in the UX Group in Gitlab. Most of these are more user research focused however, so if you’d rather volunteer specifically as a designer then I’d recommend joining the #tor-ux channel on IRC or Matrix and chatting to the team there. Then, after we get to know you better, we can find a UX issue that suits your skillset :slight_smile:


First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the responses! I am new here, I will check each link and look for what is necessary to be able to contribute in some way and if I cannot meet the requirements, I will qualify so that I can contribute, once again, thank you all!