Feature Request: Tor extension for Chrome

The TOR browser has done a good job protecting my privacy. However, as I prefer using Chrome/Edge as my main browser, can any extension that would protect me just like the TOR browser while not changing the browser itself be made?
That extension should support these features:

  • Simple change of bridge without having to edit the torrc (Import obf4 Bridge/Snowflake Mode etc.)
  • Optional but suggested disabling of trackers
  • Automatic cookies cleaning (just like TOR browser)
  • TOR node viewing (where are the entrance and intermediate nodes located?)
  • Completely free. (I was fed up with TOR Browser Extension - Microsoft Edge Addons because it CHARGES A FEE for free software.)

I don’t think it will be trivial (or even possible, at all) to add all of these features in a browser extension.

On top of that, there are lot of considerations (browser fingerprinting, disk leaks, proxy obedience just to name a few) to be made here - not sure any of that can be comprehensively covered with a browser extension. The Design and Implementation of Tor Browser is a good reference to this.

That said, there are projects that try to implement something close to what you’re mentioning here, e.g. Brave Browser, which you might be interested in. But I would be careful of using Tor on anything but Tor Browser because of the factors mentioned in the previous paragraph.

As someone who works with extensions, I state that this is not possible to achieve via an extension alone. You have to have a native application installed on the machine. Tor is a TCP-based custom protocol, and extensions (and browsers in general) simply don’t expose APIs that allow you to work with TCP. The best that browsers can do is HTTP. As a confirmation, see the Socketify project, whose entire purpose is adding such API, and it requires you to install a native application.

Not only is it impossible, it would also be not a good idea because Tor can’t help you if you use it wrong, and using Chrome through Tor, given how much tracking Chrome does, is pretty wrong.
Tor Browser is not “just a browser that uses Tor”. It has a ton of privacy and leak protection patches on top.

Dangerous instructions if you don't want privacy

What you can do instead is launch Tor Browser, then open another browser and set it to use localhost:9150 as a SOCKS5 proxy, which Tor exposes on the system, but :warning: your privacy will be lost :warning:. You will be easily fingerprintable since other browsers not just offer the same protection as Tor Browser does, but also simply because they are not Tor Browser.

But a (perhaps slightly) better bet would be to use the Brave browser, which also has a “Private window with Tor” feature. Here is a Tor blog post touching on Brave a bit.

About the extension you mentioned: as I said, it’s not possible to run Tor in an extension. If I were to guess what the extension is doing: it’s simply connecting to the author’s remote Tor node using SOCKS. So yeah, they are in control of the circuits, and so they can see who is connecting where.


However, there is this Direct Sockets API draft spec. I am not sure whether it would make it possible to be used in extensions, but at least it looks like a step in that direction.