Download security

I set the security option to ‘safest’ and disabled javascript from about:config . If I download files from some onion sites, is the ISP or other agencies able to know what I have downloaded and which sites I have visited? I don’t use any VPN.

is the ISP or other agencies able to know what I have downloaded and which sites I have visited?

No, they can’t know what you downloaded nor from where. However, if you download some big file and they can measure how much data you download they can guess that you are downloading and not just visiting webpages. Also, if they can osbserve your traffic they can know that you use Tor.

I set the security option to ‘safest’ and disabled javascript from about:config .

If you set security to safest javascript is already disabled. As a general rule, you should not change settings in about:config (nor install add-ons), as this makes it easier to fingerprint your browser.

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Thank you.

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