debian tor command line stuck at delaying directory fetches

I was trying to use command line tor on debian,along with some github scripts to set up a transparent tor proxy on my PC. I am well aware of discussions on and risks involved in this transparent proxy approach, and just temporary cannot use any anonymizing middlebox as a workaround.

As said in the title, tor stuck at Bootstrap 0%, Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges.Below is my torrc context:

UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin webtunnel exec /etc/tor/lyrebird
Bridge webtunnel ***(Bridge usable in Tor Browser)
DataDirectory /etc/tor/datadir
GeoIPFile /etc/tor/geoip
GeoIPv6File /etc/tor/geoip6

For convenience, these files and binaries above are directly copied from updated tor browser folders. I doubted if it was this borrow that caused issues.

By the way, although all my trials this fall was returned with this error, I managed to run that github script, and set up a transparent proxy, but not after Tor Browser 13.5.7 (firefox CVE-2024-9680 emergency fix, that was at Oct 9). I am not sure if this will help.

Eager for aids.