Clarification on tor.exe Service Connections

I am seeking clarification regarding the service connections associated with tor.exe.

Disclaimer: I don’t know much about Tor it was downloaded by mistake.

Observed Sequence of Events:

  1. Event 1 (10:00:12 AM) – tor-browser-windows-x86_64-portable-13.5.1.exe was downloaded, installed, and executed.
  2. Event 2 (10:02 AM, exact milliseconds unavailable) – tor.exe established four service connections. Example of service connection: www[.]9jkla0873di[.]com
  3. Event 3 (10:02:22 AM) – firefox.exe was executed, as indicated by the accessed file (LNK) at:
    C:\Users\username\Tor Browser\Browser\firefox.exe
  4. Event 4 (10:22 AM, exact milliseconds unavailable) – tor.exe established nine service connections. Example of service connection: www[.]9jkpsue665ei[.]com
  5. Event 5 (10:22:33 AM) – lyrebird.exe was executed, as indicated by the Program Execution (Shim Cache) at: C:\Users\username\Tor\Browser\Browser\torbrowser\tor\pluggabletransports\lyrebird.exe

Request for Insights:

  1. Could the tor.exe connections in Event 2 have been automatically triggered by Event 3 (firefox.exe execution)?
  2. Similarly, could the tor.exe connections in Event 4 have been triggered by Event 5 (lyrebird.exe execution)?
  3. Are these tor.exe connections indicative of automatic background processes, meaning no user-initiated browsing activity occurred?
  4. Alternatively, do these connections suggest intentional user activity within the Tor browser?

Any insights, technical references, or forensic findings that could clarify this behavior would be greatly appreciated.

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