is returning the same obfs4 bridge

Any users have issues with Tor Bridge site not retrieving obfs4 bridges?

There is only one bridge address being returned, interestingly.


You are right there was a problem in our BridgeDB and it was handing only one bridge on each request. Thank you for finding the issue.


Has this issue been resolved?

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This issue still appears to be active last time I checked.


I checked a few times and while the bridges were different, only one at a time is being handed out, unlike it used to be last time I checked where it would hand out 3 at a time.

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It looks like BridgeDB is hitting a recurrent issue with this. We have ready a replacement for the HTTPS distributor as part of rdsys, I hope to deploy it soon so we don’t continue hitting this problem.


can you explain what is rdsys?

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Distribution system for circumvention proxies and related resources. BridgeDB’s successor.

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what is the current recommended way to connect to a bridge using a pluggable transport?

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Try the second option:

Otherwise, try the fourth option:

What is rdsys and what is the timeline for it’s deployment?

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I webtunnel the recommended pluggable transport?

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From the

Not sure about the timeline for deployment.

Use whichever pluggable transport required for censorship circumvention to access the Tor network.

rdsys is already deployed for some distributors (telegram & settings), but for the rest we are planning to deploy it over this current month.

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webtunnel is still under development, is really useful for us if people try it but if you are searching for something stable use obfs4 or snowflake depending on what works better on your location. TorBrowser should be able to pick the right PT for your location automatically.

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I appreciate your advice sir, obfs4 protocol is being blocked by ISP. For you information. The ISP is able to fingerprint and block the initial connection. This is Chinese mainland.

If you ask it returns you several bridges including obfs4 that can be used.
But I also heard that obfs4 the protocol itself has been blocked, which probably is not true.
Webtunnel works for me and is faster. The problem is that Orbot doesn’t support it. is our support email. So if the bridges you got didn’t work for you - please feel free to reach out to us. We will be happy to help