Arti 1.2.7 is released: onion services, RPC, and more

by gabi | September 4, 2024

Arti is our ongoing project to create a next-generation Tor client in Rust. Now we're announcing the latest release, Arti 1.2.7.

This release adds support for restricted discovery mode (previously known as "client authorization") in Arti's hidden service (.onion service) implementation. It also contains a number of bugfixes, cleanups, and improvements, and behind the scenes work on the RPC subsystem, DoS resistance, and relay infrastructure. For full details on what we've done, and for information about many smaller and less visible changes as well, please see the CHANGELOG.

For more information on using Arti, see our top-level README, and the documentation for the arti binary.

Thanks to everybody who's contributed to this release, including Alexander Hansen Færøy, ambiso, Dimitris Apostolou, kn0sys, Kunal Mehta, NoisyCoil, opara, Robin Leander Schröder, and Steven Engler.

Also, our deep thanks to Zcash Community Grants, the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, and our other sponsors for funding the development of Arti!

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