{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 Tor Browser alpha (latest) on MacOS Mojave (10.14.6). ISP = Telus Vancouver\ \ Attempt #1\ \ 2023-06-17 18:00:43.426 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 18:00:43.426 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 18:00:43.431 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 18:00:43.436 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 18:01:22.022 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 18:01:29.413 [NOTICE] Renaming old configuration file to "/Users/OldPro/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/torrc.orig.1"\ 2023-06-17 18:01:49.733 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 18:01:49.733 [NOTICE] Switching to guard context "bridges" (was using "default")\ 2023-06-17 18:01:49.737 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 18:01:50.651 [NOTICE] Opening Socks listener on\ 2023-06-17 18:01:50.652 [NOTICE] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on\ 2023-06-17 18:01:50.677 [WARN] Pluggable Transport process terminated with status code 15\ 2023-06-17 18:01:51.494 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 1% (conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport\ 2023-06-17 18:01:51.495 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 2% (conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport\ 2023-06-17 18:01:51.497 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay\ 2023-06-17 18:02:04.179 [NOTICE] Managed proxy "PluggableTransports/conjure-client": retrying conjure registration, station is under high load.\ 2023-06-17 18:02:16.301 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ \ \ ******\ \ Attempt #2\ \ 2023-06-17 18:13:26.275 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 18:13:26.276 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 18:13:26.281 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 18:13:26.286 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 18:13:28.744 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 18:13:48.204 [NOTICE] Opening Socks listener on\ 2023-06-17 18:13:48.205 [NOTICE] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on\ 2023-06-17 18:13:48.217 [WARN] Pluggable Transport process terminated with status code 15\ 2023-06-17 18:13:48.288 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 1% (conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport\ 2023-06-17 18:13:48.289 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 2% (conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport\ 2023-06-17 18:13:48.290 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay\ 2023-06-17 18:13:50.098 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay\ 2023-06-17 18:13:50.332 [NOTICE] Learned fingerprint 50B99540A96C5E9F9F7704BAAE11DF01564711F4 for bridge (with transport 'conjure').\ 2023-06-17 18:13:50.333 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done\ 2023-06-17 18:13:50.334 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 20% (onehop_create): Establishing an encrypted directory connection\ 2023-06-17 18:13:50.583 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 25% (requesting_status): Asking for networkstatus consensus\ 2023-06-17 18:13:50.804 [NOTICE] new bridge descriptor 'Haunt' (fresh): $50B99540A96C5E9F9F7704BAAE11DF01564711F4~Haunt [UFBBM5k+GLWbXSUqmt+l0D4sQ1D3xQyRFxuy9uF6OUE] at\ 2023-06-17 18:13:51.735 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 30% (loading_status): Loading networkstatus consensus\ 2023-06-17 18:14:00.595 [NOTICE] I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no usable consensus.\ 2023-06-17 18:14:00.701 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 40% (loading_keys): Loading authority key certs\ 2023-06-17 18:14:01.091 [NOTICE] The current consensus has no exit nodes. Tor can only build internal paths, such as paths to onion services.\ 2023-06-17 18:14:01.091 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 45% (requesting_descriptors): Asking for relay descriptors\ 2023-06-17 18:14:01.092 [NOTICE] I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We need more microdescriptors: we have 0/6806, and can only build 0% of likely paths. (We have 100% of guards bw, 0% of midpoint bw, and 0% of end bw (no exits in consensus, using mid) = 0% of path bw.)\ 2023-06-17 18:14:01.239 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors\ 2023-06-17 18:14:39.319 [NOTICE] The current consensus contains exit nodes. Tor can build exit and internal paths.\ 2023-06-17 18:15:27.081 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ \ #Tor Browser indicates \'93connected\'94. Tor Forum page loads successfully.\ \ ******\ \ Attempt #3\ \ 2023-06-17 20:37:05.795 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 20:37:05.795 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 20:37:05.801 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 20:37:05.806 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.\ 2023-06-17 20:37:10.455 [NOTICE] Opening Socks listener on\ 2023-06-17 20:37:10.456 [NOTICE] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on\ 2023-06-17 20:37:10.483 [WARN] Pluggable Transport process terminated with status code 13\ 2023-06-17 20:37:10.800 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 1% (conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport\ 2023-06-17 20:37:10.801 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 2% (conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport\ 2023-06-17 20:37:10.802 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.389 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.486 [NOTICE] Learned fingerprint 50B99540A96C5E9F9F7704BAAE11DF01564711F4 for bridge (with transport 'conjure').\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.487 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.488 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 20% (onehop_create): Establishing an encrypted directory connection\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.571 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 25% (requesting_status): Asking for networkstatus consensus\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.709 [NOTICE] new bridge descriptor 'Haunt' (fresh): $50B99540A96C5E9F9F7704BAAE11DF01564711F4~Haunt [UFBBM5k+GLWbXSUqmt+l0D4sQ1D3xQyRFxuy9uF6OUE] at\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.709 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.810 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits\ 2023-06-17 20:37:12.811 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit\ 2023-06-17 20:37:15.820 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done\ 2023-06-17 20:37:15.941 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from\ 2023-06-17 20:37:30.004 [NOTICE] New control connection opened from}