New Release: Tor Browser 14.0.1

by morgan | October 29, 2024

Tor Browser 14.0.1 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.

This version includes important security updates to Firefox.

Known Issues

The tor daemon for aarch64 macOS (M1 and friends) will crash when visiting some onion-service sites, resulting in an inoperable Tor Browser (you can restart Tor Browser to work around this for now, but the particular failing onion-service sites will be inaccessible until we develop a fix). This issue is being tracked in tor-browser#43245

Send us your feedback

If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how we could improve this release, please let us know.

Full changelog

The full changelog since Tor Browser 14.0 can be viewed on the accompanying blog post.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at