New release: Tor Browser 13.0

I know its perhaps more of a niche system but please do include TBA in the discussion so the whole Tor ecosystem can collectively advance as one. Thanks



why does the portable version of tor download when i try it?, never happened before

“New Identity” resets Default Search Engine setting.

Love the new release, especially the 1400 x 900 windows. Why not 1600 x 900 though? Oh well.
Also, upgrading from 12.5.6 I got a double tab about connecting to the Tor network (I have Connect automatically ticked on in the Preferences). Could not actually connect but clicking the New Identity button solved it, dunno if it’s a bug or something related to my setup.

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0xc0000005 is a very generic error (access violation).
In earlier messages you mentioned you’re on ARM. In case it could be a problem with translation from x86 to ARM.

At the moment we provide native ARM binaries only for macOS.
We don’t have the hardware for testing with other operating systems and the amount of changes we’d need to do to our reproducible build system is unknown (and Mozilla doesn’t even mention AArch64+mingw).

The problems you wrote in the screenshot below is that tor.exe doesn’t start.
I’d expect you could have the same error if you try to start it outside the browser.

Actually, I’d say even desktop hasn’t been discussed yet.
We briefly talked about considering it, but as far as I know, it isn’t officially a 13.5 thing for Tor Browser, yet. If we decide we’ll do it, we’ll update the related issue.
In general, we still haven’t a list for 13.5. We only have some musts/priorities, e.g., connection assist for Android, and stuff we wanted in 13.0 but that didn’t make into it.

I can’t reproduce this. Does it Could you please try with a fresh installation and in case open an issue with steps to reproduce?

One of the tabs was probably the update notes, it’s normal when you update :slightly_smiling_face: .

That option is ignored after a connection failure is detected, to avoid making users end up in a loop where they constantly get error messages.

New identity shouldn’t be related (the only tor-related things it does is sending SIGNAL NEWNYM over the control port).
Please let us know if you manage to find a way to consistently reproduce this problem.


If I’m not wrong, there isn’t exactly a portable version of TOR per se. If you download the installer on to a USB and install it on the USB itself, then it becomes a portable download. If you download it on your PC and install it, it installs in the PC. Remember, the TOR Browser is not like conventional apps (at least in Windows as far as I know). All the required files and modules are installed in a single folder which can be deleted if you want to remove the app (as opposed to a classic uninstall process).

Since you can’t use VPNs, maybe check the suggestions for proxies mentioned here: HELP PLEASE: Anti-Censorship/Privacy Guide to Avoid State Surveillance - #8 by Ralph18 - Discussions - Techlore Discussions

It may be of some use if you need to use a normal browser like hardened Firefox.

Isn’t this like using only circuits made of two nodes? I’m not sure it’s a great idea.

So, the first request is very easy: hamburger menu → new Tor circuit for this site. It’s always available, even for internal about:pages :sweat_smile: (maybe that’s a little bug).

If keyboard is also fine, it’s Ctrl+Shift+L (on Linux, en-US; in general, we localize shortcuts, so you might have a different one).

For the request of displaying circuit display, I think we could also open an issue.
Let me find a vanilla bridge I could try.

To avoid any confusion: it was especially about the browser UI.


Can you request a new circuit via File > New Tor Circuit for this Site, or the application menu (☰)?

This is a great point and something I’ll be advocating for going forward – unless there’s a platform-specific reason why we should deviate from providing parity-by-default.

However as @PieroV says we haven’t reached a decision about this as of now, and it isn’t officially on the roadmap yet.

Hey @eddlang, I’m really sorry to hear about the accessibility issues you’re facing because of this change. Making it more difficult to use Tor Browser in a way that meets your needs was certainly not our intention, and I really appreciate you bringing this use-case to our attention.

As I’ve mentioned to @thorin already, the updated new win sizes have changed my life <3

Thank you everyone for the constructive feedback and bug reports in this thread, please keep them coming! It’s also great to hear what you’re liking about the release too. :purple_heart:

Thinking ahead to future releases, you may be interested in downloading Tor Browser Alpha and becoming an alpha tester to help us catch things earlier in the development process – however please make yourself aware of the risks first:


Thanks @Ralph1806! I totally forgot we shipped adaptive icons to Android too :tada:


This has been done:

The new icon is very ugly, previous one is best, cannot get better than that.

I personally feel that the new one isn’t bad to be honest, and your picture seems to have the colors inverted? On my PC and mobile, the white areas in your picture are purple and vice versa.

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New icon is fine.
However, it is slightly modified for installer:
Later I figured out that box is depicted here.
But my initial thought was that onion is censored with permanent marker.
Second thought - icon is corrupted and loaded only partially.

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I’d say no.
The middle node doesn’t know that some traffic leaves to my internal network and that’s the important thing.
Metrics would give this information away but i can disable metrics reporting on my bridge via torrc.

And for my ISP it looks basically the same because in both cases my ISP will know how much incoming traffic i received over Tor that hasn’t sent outbound again regardless if it’s a Guard connection or the connection of my bridge to the next hop.

I lose the ConnectionPadding protection but that’s not much more than a cosmetic feature and much more important for onion services than for Tor Browser users.

This whole setup can be seen as a testing setup anyway where reliability and reproducibility is more important than anonymity.

That works for me :slightly_smiling_face:

I saw the two tickets you wrote. Thanks!

Another minor thing i found:
In some previous version of Tor Browser the textbox for manually adding a bridge was already marked so you could Ctrl+V right away.
Now you first have to click in the box to be able to paste.

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Just as a suggestion could it perhaps be advantageous to set the default launch page as so people can verify connectivity and security settings through an official Tor Project checker?