Command-line Tor stopped working. Requesting new bridges doesn't help

Also can you please share your full torrc?
There should be lines like:

Can you also try to reboot your PC?

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I have tried two WebTunnel bridges that doesn’t work in command-line Tor, and it turned out they perfectly work in Tor browser.

So, the problem is with my torrc and somewhere in the different place, but not in the bridgles themselves.

Rebooting didn’t help.

The torrc I have posted above is complete. Here it is, again:

UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin meek_lite,obfs4,scramblesuit,webtunnel exec "/Applications/Tor"
Bridge webtunnel [2001:db8:431d:7e01:bea3:ee21:92a8:df77]:443 3106AAC977EDEC706A9FE8891AA062F0A4834DBD url=https://... ver=0.0.1
Bridge webtunnel [2001:db8:a434:2cba:55cb:15a6:1ece:1374]:443 630AABF104AEF8CFEC9AADA366F1955A1F7054BF url=https://... ver=0.0.1

There is no mention of ClientOnionAuthDir, GeoIPFile and GeoIPv6File in the torrc.sample file. What exactly should I put there?