2023/04/16 In the last 24h0m0s, there were 30 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 155 MB, ↓ 11 MB.
2023/04/17 In the last 24h0m0s, there were 21 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 117 MB, ↓ 18 MB.
2023/04/18 In the last 24h0m0s, there were 26 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 674 MB, ↓ 123 MB.
2023/04/19 In the last 24h0m0s, there were 20 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 840 MB, ↓ 91 MB.
2023/04/20 In the last 24h0m0s, there were 17 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 34 MB, ↓ 6 MB.
(it is running from within restricted NAT LAN)
no, not daily, change is rare…
Tor OBFS does not work for me per this topic of mine (no one yet responded): LAN based OBFS4 bridge is not reachable - Your server has not managed to confirm reachability for its ORPort(s) so i am staying with Snowflake until someone suggest in that topic on what to try to make OBFS running.